Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Shower and Tub Cleaner

At our house, the master bathroom has a HUGE shower. Seriously... you could hold a dinner party in there (but that would be awkward). While I think our shower is fabulous, it is a bugger to clean...

Until I found an easy solution.

These three materials have made my life so much easier!!!!  

Pick up a couple of dish cleaning soap dispensers at Target, Wal-Mart, or wherever you shop. They are inexpensive, so buy one for each bathroom! Be sure to get ones with the soft head, not the heavy-duty scrubber, which may scratch your walls.

Fill the handle with half white vinegar, half Dawn dish soap.

A couple of times each week, while you're showering, wipe down the walls and fixtures. Let it sit for a bit, then spray it off with water. I've found that it leaves the shower walls and fixtures sparkling clean! The vinegar will fight any mold/mildew that may be lurking and the result is fantastic.

Below you'll see an example of just how well this works. I wiped this fixture down this morning with a quick swipe of the cleaner and then rinsed it with water. This picture is from four hours later... Not a smudge on it! It dried perfectly...


Please ignore the fact that there is still brass on my bathroom fixtures... It's a mid-90's bathroom after all.

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